
JavaScript, C#, HTML, CSS, Go, Java


Agile, Scrum, TDD, RESTful API Design


.NET, AngularJS, React, GraphQL, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, jQuery, Sass, Mocha/Chai, Git/Github, CSS frameworks including Bootstrap, Materialize, and Skeleton.

Other Skills

Audio editing, podcast recording and distribution, event planning and production, copywriting.


GraphQL/Express Tutorial

A companion tutorial for my talk "GraphQL: The People's Query Language."

Talk Video

Dashing Dots

A 2D puzzle/logic game built with C#, Unity, and WebGL. This was my capstone for Galvanize's g30 cohort.

Deployed Site

Overwatch Team Grader

An Overwatch team composition grader built with AngularJS on the front end and a custom Go API on the back end.

Deployed Site

Contact Me